Senin, 16 Juni 2008

Model Khayalan

ini Adalah Para orang yang pingin jadi Model Tetapi Tidak Kesampean,.........Hehehehe

Di Posting Oleh Dorin Mutoif Poltekkes Depkes Yogyakarta Jurusan Kesehatan Lingkungan
D/a : Munggu, RT 02 / RW 02 Gang Mlaten No 02 No Rumah 05, Petanahan, Kebumen, Jawa Tengah, Indonesia Kode Pos 54382

Inilah Para Keturunan Dari Pantai Selatan Lagi Terbang Di Darat

Inilah para keturunan Nyai Roro Kidul, hebat bisa terbang

Di Posting Oleh Dorin Mutoif Poltekkes Depkes Yogyakarta Jurusan Kesehatan Lingkungan
D/a : Munggu, RT 02 / RW 02 Gang Mlaten No 02 No Rumah 05, Petanahan, Kebumen, Jawa Tengah, Indonesia Kode Pos 54382

Minggu, 15 Juni 2008





Universitas / Jurusan




Poltekkes DEPKES/Gizi



Dorin Mutoif

Poltekkes DEPKES/Akl



Kristian Basuki

Poltekkes DEPKES/Prwt



Agus Sutiono

Poltekkes DEPKES/Prwt




Instiper / Budidaya




Instiper / THP




USD / S. Inggris




Instiper / BP/SPKS



Dery Rahmat

Instiper / BP/SPKS



Haryanto Priyo H

Instiper / BK



Ibnu Satria P.

Instiper / BP



Pantja Apriono

Instiper / BK




USD / S. Inggris




USD / S. Inggris







Agus Moel





Amikom / TI




Amikom / TI


Manajemen Resiko oleh Achmad Husein, SKM

Gambar Waktu FKAK ( Forum Komunikasi Antar Kampus ) antara USD/Unifersitas Sanata Darma, Instiper, Poltekkes Depkes Yogyakarta, Amikom

I. Pemahaman tentang risiko dan manajemen risiko

a. Pendahuluan

o Pimpinan suatu organisasi, baik sebagai pimpinan organisasi komersial maupun non komersial akan selalu dihadapkan pada proses pengambilan keputusan.

o Setiap proses pengambilan keputusan itu selalu dihadapkan pada situasi yang berbeda beda yang memerlukan kemampuan nalar dan konseptual yang luas dan fleksibel.

o Secara garis besar, situasi keputusan dapat dibagai dalam dua kelompok yaitu :

1. Situasi keputusan yang pasti

Pimpinan suatu organisasi tidak akan sulit jika dihadapkan pada situasi keputusan pasti, sebab dalam situasi ini segala sesuatu masih dapat dikendalikan secara langsung dan mudah diperkirakan kejadiannya, sehingga tingkat kegagalannya kecil atau dengan kata lain kurang berisiko

2. Situasi keputusan yang tidak pasti

Pimpinan organisasi akan sulit bila dihadapkan pada situasi tidak pasti, karena kurang lengkapnya informasi yang diperlukan akibat keputusan yang diambilpun hanya berupa dugaan belaka.

o Kapabilitas seseorang pimpinan atau manajer perusahaan sangat tergantung pada sifat dinamis dan progresif.

o Kedua sifat ini sangat erat kaitannya dengan sikap seorang manajer terhadap risiko.

o Kemampuan menata risiko dengan baik akan dapat mewujudkan kedua sifat yang mutlak diperlukan seorang manejer perusahaan.

o Dengan demikian seorang manajer akan dapat menarik peluang yang ada dan mengantisipasi setiap ancaman yang datang dari berbagai sumber misalnya : pasar, saingan, teknologi, geografi, politik, ekonomi, suplai dan sebagainya.

o Manusia selalu dihadapkan dengan risiko sehingga risiko menjadi bagian dari kehidupan manusia

o Sebagaimana manusia, perusahaanpun demikian. Perusahaan akan selalu berhadapan dengan risiko. Ketidak mampuan perusahaan dalam menangani berbagai risiko yang dihadapi dapat berakibat fatal.

o Ada beberapa risiko yang sering dihadapi perusahaan antara lain risiko barang tidak terjual, risiko piutang tidak tertagih, risiko perubahan harga, risiko kebakaran, risiko bencana alam, dan risiko dituntut di pengadilan.

b. Pengertian risiko

o Risiko berhubungan dengan ketidak pastian. Ketidak pastian ini terjadi oleh karena kurangnya atau tidak tersedianya informasi yang menyangkut apa yang akan terjadi

o Ketidak pastian yang dihadapi perusahaan bisa berdampak merugikan atau mungkin saja menguntungkan.

o Apabila ketidak pastian yang dihadapi berdampak menguntungkan maka ini yang dikenal dengan istilah kesempatan (opportunity). Sedangkan ketidakpastian yang berdampak merugikan dikenal dengan istilah risiko (risk)

o Dengan demikian kita dapat mendefinisikan risko sebagai suatu keadaan yang tidak pasti yang dihadapi seseorang atau perusahaan yang dapat memberikan dampak merugikan

c. Tujuan yang ingin dicapai

Tujuan yang ingin dicapai dalam mempelajari konsep manajemen risiko antara lain sebagai berikut :

1. Untuk meningkatkan kapabilitas kepemimpinan seorang manajer perusahaan

2. Untuk menumbuhkan sifat dinamis dan progresif seorang manajer perusahaan

3. Untuk mengurangi sebanyak mungkin pengambilan keputusan yang didasari atas instuisi dan perasaan seorang manajer

4. Untuk meningkatkan ketrampilan penggunaan alat analisis manajemen risiko dalam proses pembuatan keputusan seorang manajer perusahaan

d. Jenis risiko

Risiko dapat dibedakan dalam beberapa jenis, tergantung dari mana kita melihatnya. Kita dapat membedakan risiko berdasarkan :

1. Risiko menurut sudut pandang manajer perusahaan

Bagi para manajer diperusahaan atau orang orang yang berkecimpung di dunia bisnis, risiko sering dibedakan kedalam dua kelompok, yaitu :

i. risiko spekuliatif

o adalah risiko yang dihadapi perusahaan yang dapat memberikan dua kemungkinan, yakni kemungkinan merugikan dan kemunginan menguntungkan.

o Seseorang yang menginvestasikan uangnya untuk mendirikan suatu usaha akan menghadapi dua kemungkinan, yaitu kemungkinan menguntungkan atau kemungkinan merugi

o Risiko seperti ini masuk pada katagori spekulatif, yaitu dimana ada kemungkinan yang merugikan namun juga ada kemungkinan yang menguntungkan

ii. risiko murni

o Adalah risiko dimana tidak ada kemungkinan yang menguntungkan dan yang ada hanya kemungkinan yang merugikan.

o Perusahaan menghadapi beraneka macam risiko murni, seperti bangkrut, kebakaran, kecurian, pengrusakan, dituntut kepengadilan dan sebagainya.

o Jika terjadi kecelakaan kerja, akibat yang ditimbulkan adalah kerugian, yaitu barang rusak, orang cedera, lingkungan terganggu, atau nyawa orang melayang. Tidak ada kemungkinan yang menguntungkan dari kecelakaan kerja.

2. Risiko menurut sumber penyebab risiko

Dari sumber penyebabnya, risiko secara umum dapat dikelompokkan kedalam dua kelompok besar, yaitu :

i. risiko keuangan

o Risiko keuangan adalah risiko yang disebabkan oleh faktor – faktor ekonomi dan keuangan, seperti perubahan harga, tingkat bunga, dan mata uang

o Perusahaan yang menjual atau membeli barang dengan pihak luar negeri memeliki mata uang yang berbeda.

ii. risiko operasional

· Risiko operasional adalah semua risiko yang tidak masuk pada kelompok risiko keuangan. Risiko operasional disebabkan oleh faktor manusia, alam dan teknologi.

· Manusia yang oleh karena ketidakmampuannya atau karena dengan sengaja dapat menyebabkan timbulnya risiko. Bencana alam juga dapat menimbulkan risiko. Alat – alat yang sudah usang, rusak, dan sebagainya dapat menimbulkan risiko.

Rabu, 04 Juni 2008


Andy jangan tidur, ayo bangun, pak hendra semangat, itu-itu si hayu jangan main cekik2an sama sinta, itu jito lagi mempraktekkan logo RCTI oke ya..deni kasihan itu mujio jangan di cekik nanti tidak bisa bernapas..........pokoknya semuanya Action....kan mau saya foto... satu, dua, tiga, Action..................( Obsesi Seorang Sutradara )

a. Messenger

Gather it citizen at city causess tall density. moment tune yan narrow occupied many people, so tune more scarceer and tall the value. kelangkaan tune with tall value menharus society circle under chooses alternative mansions as residence. this article be discussed mansions explanation, background membutuhkannya mansions, and aspect necessary considering in design a mansions.

b. mansions explanation

follow republic of indonesia law no 4 year 1993, mansions is given explanation as storey building building that built in a environment divided in buildings strukturkan functionally in direction horizontal also vertical, be units each can has separately especially dwelling places that equiped with building with and soil with.

at west, like this mansions united america usually is called apartement, but at dutch usually at mention apartment. they are usually use term same, good to mansions that occupied by class society layer on, intermediate, also under. but, there inclination in indonesia mansions term is used by society layer occupant under with tool and simple house equipment.

while mansions usually not with floor many (seringakali two floor)s that used for tool quality intermediate society layer occupant perlengakapan house enough often called apartment, perhaps this term is influenced by when colonize indonesia. as in region sekip, yogjakarta, housing that built in the early independence ri this called apartment. but, recently apartment term seldom used again but called housing. while mansions with floor many memperuntukan for bag society layer occupant, with luxurious tool and modern often called apartement.

in indonesia apparently residence bersusun has different term for class society on, intermediate, and under. this phenomenon happens because life style difference between society layer enough tall. because second, government introduces with term that vary. housing for intermediate society group is introduced with term perumnas (national general housing) or housing, while for society under introduced with mansions term.

c. social aspects in mansions

substratum society not easy occupied dwelling house bersusun. society berpenghasilan low this is usually alive according to out door living. to fill leeway, usually they look for holiday doesn't want cost. only comfort without cost associate with neighbour near. besides import comfort, discuss with neighbour braces friendship and memperat level kohesif society, so that that social connection is felted to protect individual when they want aid and accomodation. this societal alive pattern also called communal alive pattern. feeling kohesif social in communal alive pattern will beckon their need space horizontal than vertical.

on the contrary, individual alive pattern many is undergone by intermediate society layer to on. they are usually alive according to in door living. this matter happens because they are usually doesn't has definitive leeway and enough merumah after all day long work. time remainder at home even still used to think walk of life. suppose they have leeway will do permaian and comfort that done individually. without harry another person usually helped with electronic device. like to watch video, perfoming video game, play computer. or sometimes look for hotspot and go to club, has tall taste cloth same goods.

this individual alive pattern is more is moved by rational factor from in emotional such as those which happens in communal society. they are memilki individual alive pattern more has alternative activities that, belong alternative to live in house bersusun with level privasi tall and tool/infrastructure memadai. while they are alive communally inclined has alternative other to live in house bersusun with limited tool/infrastructure. therefore, effort builds mansions for society has communal necessary way of thinking preparation peculiarly.

in substratum society the execution not off hand get dirty housing rejuvenation offer is mansions. while pattern on the market not far differ from house pattern whom they occupy, that is communal figured permanent, and little little relative house block scale (only 25 units per block). society not easy flatterred to menkonversi house in character horizontal to vertical want manners persuasiveer and patience in explain profit, how if live in mansions betingkat.

mansions plan in indonesia berorientasi in intermediate society downwards contains three principles base. this matter is done to leave from willing to serve society, without force must change behaviour pattern mendasar occupant candidate. three perinsip base communal order, activity in and activity outside and tropical architecture.

1. communal order

mansions can designed as single house for big family, like custom house madura, dayaks and acheh. the kernel a big space in the middle of. menyekitar that space is there kitchen care of room man at mengelompok.

2. activity in outdoor

in mansions, space explanation with not 100 opened percents. this pattern is obvious effective and acceptable denga good. order communal space with private space given clear pressure. concept in door operative space order in kavling house and concept out door operative in general space order.

3. tropical architecture

aspect other enough interesting as mansions plan load in indonesia tropical building principle use that applieds consistently and consistent. there three elements base tropical architecture that is suasanan shade, many winds and slurr with environment. therefore mansions necessary equiped with plants. in floor higher, member is pushed to prepare plants at balcony. so that asa shade, every balcony is given roof.

d. society perception towards mansions

member perception towards mansions explanation necessary be prepared according to continue from comprehension live in chalei every member can make as delicious as it be comprehension that demand ethical behaviour with alive pattern at home compiles complexer. unmate attitude compiles that demand tall togetherness attitude necessary menumbuhkan early on. dependability deliver occupant one with another must appear in one larger ones housing system unitary.

perception change not only operative for the member, but also in society outside mempersepsi house form presence bersusun this is truely. when guardians related to mansions not change perception like in occupant, so occupant will experience kesimpangsiuran attitude and behaviour. finally, will emerge big problem in pemamfaatan, treatment care of mansions dwelling development according to furthermore.

pesepsi vast society doesn't change, like often presented at mass media, very influential for good appreciation development in course of occupies mansions for group society under. wrong perception also often proposed by one who has authority, but bot at all has comprehension and pengalam real. this misconception is difficulty increase in evaluates mansions pattern objectively. when does this matter will be let will give impression that government not serious in develop mansions pattern to will serve little society.

e. social adaptation in occupy neighbour environment mansions

in early days occupieds mansions, occupant social adaptation at home will compile with the neighbour will go to like to like habit in society environment, where when is there new occupant easier be be known masuarakat because there socialization from mouth to mouth. but fast not it sosialisai this also influenced how often a bew comer mengadaptasi self with society around. will so can person know there new occupant but without there tissue that is founded by new occupant with society around will influence adapatasi social exist in mansions.

1. agreement with tetanggga

level keeratan connection social visible from agreement event with neighbour. in hunianrumah compile usually cooperate with tentangga, like to repair house and mutual borrow house repair device. this tight agreement is supported with harmonious connection pattern between unmate compiles. and usually life that intertwin that life between occupant enough harmonious.

2. visit with neighbour

harmony and tight agreement with appear neighbour also in visit between occupants at home compile merapi. in general to mencipata connection better adaptation pattern that done by unmate compiles often with do visit between occupants.

3. social status

live in mansions can increase the occupant social status. majority society thinks and of opinion society social status a little will rise with will live in mansions caused by opinion one who will live in relative mansions higher statsu the economy. this matter is really in moderation because majority one who live in vertical dwelling likes apartment people who berpenghasilan big and tall social status walapun actually unegual social life between occupant a[artemen with rumaha compiles of course one who tinggak at home compile far richer. temporary tinggak at home compile person berpenghasilan intermediate down and if we see from habit aspect, indonesia society stills to felt less accustomed and seldom alive at vertical dwelling. society more like alive at dwelling horizontal although with dwelling seada or far from proper occupy. because alive at dwelling horozontal freeer and not too bound by social rule. mengungat ruangdan limited place, danhal this will limit occupant freedom of action yanglain. this is sydah meru[pakankebiasaan our society is especially society yangberpenghasilan low and rural district. conclusion and suggestion: 1) adaptation with tetanggacenderung longer 2) occupant adaptation towards physical building goes on quicker than towards adaptation social. 3). status social that increase not yet membangin with economy standard that increase. to mempecepat adaptation with mansions neighbour necessary at plan communally, not merely unit line house/kavling, but at every lanatai formed ruangpublik half closed has closed has communal, even if must decrease vast park. to increase economy standard necessary done household economy construction.

f. customer that created between unmate compiles

connection formed in unmate will compile will differ from society alive at housing horizontal, because society habit which during the time majority lives in housing horizontal, vertical dwelling concept both for formed mansions stills very rare at meet and even so in metropolis and person knows vertical dwelling in two models, for apartment formed bob temporary the wealthy occupant for one who berpenghasilan low will live in mansions.

connection pattern formed between society that vertical housing and horizontal differ, this matter is caused customer pattern between occupant society either in housing horizontal and vertical different, many be influenced by where at housing horizontal public relations formed be supported by space that still remained where does society mengejawantah connection pattern and the customer at air-g, discuss to be bromide is met in housing occupant society horizontal and relative barer.

public relations pattern at housing vertical can be discriminated between apartment and mansions. where does connection pattern that created at apartment rebih individulais and tututp because remember bustle that undergone by occupant, economy life levels and education higher doesn't make possible occupant partemen has leeway many remember their bustle menempat work. so that customer that intertwin between occupant fellow very limited and a lot ignore one another and there also that live it not menepat come and go so that not memungkin between occupant fellow to know fellow penguin one another with interest deepen. this matter differs from connection pattern that created at home compile not se individualis connection pattern at apartment and not as tight as connection pattern at housing horizontal. pattern hubingan that created at home compile formed based on interaction pattern that create between society that influenced existing space as society place to bersosialisasi and braid connection.

society alive at home compile initially sebagaian big alive at housing horizontal. remember mansions really allocated for society berpenghasilan low (mbr), so existing connection patterns they meet and they practice at sewaktu formerly they still to live in dwelling horizontal still carried over, connection pattern that created at society initially still to like kebiasan they do at dwelling horizontal.

this connection pattern gradually will decrease and degradation along with time trip, matter mengakbitkan by the limited space and time that has society to mengewejantah interaction between they. the limited opened space is penghalng for society to bersosialisasi and braid connection. narrow time makes society doesn't has time last for menhjalin communication. hard alive demand makes society subjugates the alive to look for work, so that will relations constructive only will survive in temporary materials dimension in character spritual (connection with society around) will decrease. of course this connection not seindividualis exist in apartment dwelling, leave open space and time masuarakat to communicating merely discuss between fellow at mansions roads, because society necessary bersosialisasi and know neighbour environment because not all has activity with tight time-table and dedicate the time just for work remembers one who alive at home compile society berpenghasilan low (mbr). because social connection pattern exist in relative mansions liquider when is compared with atmosphere at apartment. likely privasi and safe taste really memaknai according to differ at second this place. when at home compile problem privat and safe taste social customer pattern that provided by collective consensus spacious, meanwhile at apartment, privasi and safe taste translateds to pass series regulation and distribution itori goodly. may be we can get further explanation from this problem with review social class background and collective narration melatari life keseharian society that also at apartment.